Chrysanthemum garden landscaping ideas that will amaze you
Chrysanthemums are excellent container plants and accent plants for landscaping.
Millions of potted chrysanthemum plants, some of which are "pressed" into bloom in nurseries before their usual flowering season, are marketed as early as September. Many plants are not hardy kinds, while some can survive the winter. Even fewer are likely to survive since they weren't planted early enough to establish themselves before the first frost. And even then, the majority eventually die from root-rotting rain and the simple indifference of gardeners who view them as fall fast fixes.Chrysanthemums, however, are excellent for mixing with other garden favourites and creating fascinating combinations. Chrysanthemums go nicely with sedum, salvia, Artemisia, basil, ornamental grasses, and celosia because to their leaf and flower forms and colours. They are ideal for adding last-minute embellishments to pots, serving as border plants, or incorporating into elaborate Victorian extravaganzas like floral clocks.Even non-blooming plants are essential because of the bushy plants' fragrant, emerald-green leaves, which can be long and lance-shaped, oval, and may be shallowly or deeply lobed or even feathery and fern-like.

Plant Right for the longest Season
Chrysanthemums need at least six to eight weeks in the ground to establish themselves before blossoming if you want to get the most out of them in your yard. Plant them in prepared, well-drained soil, fertilise them gently once a month with an all-purpose flowering plant fertiliser through midsummer, and give them enough moisture without rotting them. The prevention of foliar diseases requires adequate air circulation. Additionally, add a great layer of mulch to the soil to keep it cool, moist, and free of weed seeds.
Mulch is also necessary for hardy garden mums to survive the winter.When the plants begin to produce attractive new shoots, pinch or prune the developing tips to encourage the plants to bush out and produce additional flower stalks. Up to the beginning of July, this can be done. After that, the new growth should be left alone so that it can develop flower buds for the fall.Because chrysanthemums are "short-day" plants, they begin producing flower buds as soon as the days grow shorter. Those planted in warm regions can occasionally get a jump start on growth and bloom in the spring. Since a result, avoid growing chrysanthemums next to strong night lights as this may disrupt their flowering cycle.
Short tip cuttings of chrysanthemums will root extremely easily from late spring to mid summer if put in wet, well-drained potting soil, set in bright indirect light, and maintained damp with a greenhouse-like plastic tent. The fall or spring are also good times to split mature plants.
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